(865) 584-3355

Apple Certified Macintosh Experts
Serving East Tennessee since 1994

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HappyMac Overwatch™

As a free service to our clients, HappyMac utilizes automated system monitoring applications to ensure that your systems stay up. We call this the "HappyMac Overwatch". Many times when we have been called in to recover critical systems data, we hear that "the server was slow" or "I had to keep restarting". Unless you are regularly checking system logs, these may be the only telltale signs that your hard drive or other components are failing. Proactive system and service monitoring let's us know when problems arise, in many instances before you or your clients notice.

Our workstation Overwatch regularly checks all your workstations for:

  • Network errors
  • Drive I/O errors
  • Kernel panics, unscheduled reboots
  • Malware
  • Backup failures

Our server Overwatch regularly checks that:

  • Your web sites are up and return proper content.
  • Your databases are available.
  • System loads and network traffic are at manageable levels.


Here is what we can do:

  • We can tell when your backups are failing, before it’s too late.
  • We can tell when hard drives begin to fail, and schedule their repair with you.
  • We can tell when malware finds its way to your computer, help you get rid of it, and work with you to prevent it from coming back.
  • We can tell when your system is having software and hardware problems affecting performance.


Safe, Secure and Confidential

All performance metrics are sent via encrypted connections.

Our solutions only monitor services and NOT content.

  • The agent does not track screen or keyboard activity
  • The agent does not see the contents of your screen with the monitoring client.
  • The agent does not inspect browser history, or other similar user actions.
  • The agent does not read inside user-created data (pictures, documents, etc).
  • The agent does not send full logs; it only sends the results of the health checks.
  • The agent will not install or update any other software on your computer; it uses read-only commands to perform its duties.

We Know IT for Business

We know how to satisfy the IT needs for business

  • Installation and Configuration
  • OSX / UNIX server administration and setup
  • Email, File Sharing, Collaborative Services
  • Upgrades, Preventative Maintenance
  • Network Design, Wireless, Router Configuration
  • Mobile and Device Management
  • Secure Multi-location Networking, Virtual Private Networks (VPN)
  • Domain Name and Web Hosting Management
  • Windows Integration, File Sharing, and Platform Migration
  • Backup and Disaster Planning
  • Workflow process automation
  • Support by phone, on-site, and remote systems monitoring and repair
  • Training
  • Solving your problems